Expert Tips for Puppy Parents
Puppies are mischief-makers, and that’s never going to change. But you can stop buying three collars in one month because your puppy has chewed through them! For both first-time and veteran puppy parents, keeping your dog gear in good condition is a serious challenge. Here are our top tips for puppy parents on how to protect your gear and make it last.
Choose the Right Material
Don’t skip the basics. You need to choose a material for your dog gear that’s durable enough to withstand puppy chewing and energetic play. But this doesn’t mean you go out and buy a chain collar because it’s the most chew-proof.
Instead, you want a material that will be durable AND comfortable. A collar will always be in contact with your puppy’s skin, so it needs to be soft and flexible while your puppy goes through rapid growth spurts.
Nylon collars are a popular choice, but while they’re relatively durable, the material is coarse and can irritate your puppy’s skin and cause rashes. Our favourite material for collars is PVC. We choose PVC collars for puppies because they tick all the boxes: they are durable, comfortable, and flexible!
Want to know how to choose the best collar for your pup? Read here.

Teething Time
Puppies aren’t born with teeth, so at 3-6 months, your puppy will start teething, meaning their baby teeth are coming through. The discomfort to their gums and mouth during this time means your puppy will actively seek out things to chew. We’re talking furniture, clothes, plants, shoes, carpet… whatever they can get their paws on! But don’t panic and think you’ve adopted a particularly devious little furball—all puppies go through this stage.
Your puppy will go through the second stage of teething at 4-7 months, when they begin to lose their baby teeth and their permanent teeth start coming in. This is the danger zone when your puppy’s chewing will be at its worst.
The best thing to do is to invest in things your puppy CAN chew, like chew toys and edible puppy teething sticks. This will keep your puppy busy and act as enrichment while distracting them from other potentially yummy household items.
Tip: For a long-term distraction, act really excited when giving your puppy their new chew toys and sticks. This will tell your puppy that they’re special and something they’ll love.
Don’t Tempt Puppies
The decision-making process of puppies is simple: if they see something they want, they’ll try to take it. So don’t tempt them. While you’re not using your lead and harness, put them in the cupboard with the rest of your pet supplies, or hang them on the front door where your furry family member can’t reach them.
Tip: Remember that puppies are bouncy balls and can jump surprisingly high. You don’t want to encourage parkour in the house at the risk of injuring their developing bodies, so keep your dog gear well out of reach. Even better, keep it out of sight until they’re older.
Clean Your Puppy Gear
Did you know that puppies tend to chew more on dirty gear? Keeping your puppy’s collar, lead, and harness clean can help reduce their desire to chew and ruin them. For PVC collars and leads, we recommend wiping them down regularly with lightly soapy water and drying them thoroughly before use.
Your puppy is happiest when they’re playing with you. To your puppy, you are now part of their pack. Playing with your puppy teaches them that interactive playtime with humans is way more fun than chewing on boring old objects and furniture. The more time you spend with your puppy, the more they’ll seek you out to spend time with you, rather than sneaking into the loungeroom to work on one of their naughty projects, like chewing the couch cushions.