You Might Be Ready, But Is Your Pooch?
With an adorable new puppy in your life, you’ll be eager to hit the streets and show them off. But resist the temptation! With puppy parenting comes the responsibility of ensuring your pup is safe, comfortable, and ready for their walk into a whole new world of people and other dogs. So when can your puppy go on their first walk and make their social debut in the neighbourhood?
Is Your Puppy Vaccinated?
A puppy’s immune system is like a human baby’s; it’s still developing. As a result, puppies are more vulnerable and susceptible to picking up diseases than fully grown dogs. So you’ll want to be careful what you’re exposing them to.
Your puppy will have their first vaccination at around 6 to 8 weeks and then a series of booster shots, typically starting at the 10-week mark. Your puppy’s vaccination schedule will depend on their age, local diseases, your vet’s recommendations, and their current condition—they can’t have a shot if they’re fighting their first pesky ear infection!
Tip: While your puppy is not fully vaccinated, keep them away from areas with high dog traffic, like your front fence if dog walkers pass regularly or the garden area outside your local vet.

How Active Is Your Puppy?
Once your pup is fully vaccinated and safe to hit the streets, observe their activity level at home. If your puppy starts becoming so active that no amount of play can burn up their energy (maybe they’re doing zoomies around the house!), it might be time to take them on their first walk.
Tip: Pay attention to when your puppy is most active. Whether it’s early morning, midday, or late afternoon when you get home from work, that’s the time to take them on a walk. Your puppy is telling you that they’re ready for one!

Tips For Your Puppy’s First Walk
Your puppy is discovering a whole new world that’s both exciting and terrifying. Puppies are extremely impressionable; the last thing you want to do is traumatise your new furry family member. Here are our top tips for making sure your pooch has a positive and fun first walk experience:
Be calm but firm, and keep a relaxed grip on the dog lead—your pup can feel if you’re tense through their lead, which won’t help to relax them.
Choose a quiet route with little traffic for your walk—large, noisy vehicles can easily frighten your puppy.
Pick a day with good weather—you don’t want your puppy thinking that all walks equal being wet and miserable in the rain!
Bring their favourite treats—reward and positively reinforce the things your puppy does well on their walk, like sitting before crossing the road.
Don’t use a retractable dog lead—you’ll need full control for your puppy’s first walks, or there will be chaos.
Stay away from dog parks for now—your puppy isn’t ready for that much interaction with other dogs yet.
Don’t hesitate to stop and cuddle—it’s a scary world out there, and your puppy may need a quick stop and hug to recover from something that frightens them before continuing their walk.
Teach them to walk beside you, not in front—this creates a more relaxed walk that also gives you more control and ensures you and your sidekick are in sync.
Ensure their collar is fitted properly—your pup should be super comfy in their walking set.
Credit: @our.mate.scout
Our best advice is to watch your puppy and observe how they’re feeling on their walk. We recommend taking it slow for their first walk since the sensory overload will soon tire your pup out, and they’ll need to return to their snuggly bed for a nap. Next time they’re ready to step out into the world, grab their lead and say ‘walk’ (or ‘walkies’) in your excited ‘puppy tone’. Your pup will soon realise that walks are the greatest thing ever!
Credit: @stinkybubur